Please, kill the Virus... the new future sensation :) |
Hello everyone!
I will briefly introduce you to a new game prototype that has been under development for the few previous weeks. The name is "Please, kill the Virus" and it is a high-score, small game for mobile devices that the Roswell Team we are creating for the gamesJam competition. There you can play the game, or give some feedback, even if you don't speak Russian (like me :)).
"An arcade puzzle game about fighting viruses in microcosm." |
The mechanics are very simple, you drag your gun around the circle and tap to shoot. Different kinds of viruses will spawn from the core and you will have to shoot with the right antidote (colour). But be careful, shooting the wrong colour can have undesired effects! Also if you don't will viruses fast they will become more dangerous over time.
The game is being developed using the latest uGUI from Unity 4.6 :)